This's about what i feel a few weeks ago. When i really get in love with his attitude, how he pretended me. About everything about YOU!
I'm afraid, if there're some guys read this and know about YOU, i feel shame!
YOU. Just for three letters.
Attracted me when i saw you for the first time
made me want to know more about you, but i didn't know, how to get close with you.
But oneday, everything had changed
God made my hope came true.
I could know everything about you, and you came to me by yourself, and you tell everything about YOU without i asked you first
We are close each other and getting closer.
But at the last, i knew, we just had a space, that i couldn't break. That i couldn't destroy it.
I was still happy, and it didn't matter for me. I didn't have any problem with it.
But, after that, i got something that make me was surprise. Suddenly, The space broke. 
Random's feeling!
But, after that, YOU built up that space again.
I was upset :( it disappointed me.
And it break my heart up.
I feel pain. Ya.... i'm sick!
More sick than before.
But YOU never know about my feeling
Haha... you never care i think
who am I? 
I'm a girl who admire you. Admire you yesterday
I'm a girl who love you. Love you yesterday
but like a song ---> "I don't love you, like i did, yesterday"
This feeling, make this pain's getting bigger!
I'd better to get off from you for a while.
Until i get my days again, before i get this!

Haha, sorry for incorrect writing. I just want to type what i want to type. I don't care about grammar today.



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