are you
1 are you happy - both
2. are you bored – sometimes
3. are you naked - no
4. are you a blonde - no
5. are you moody – yes
6. are you a lover/hater - lover
7. are you hot/cold - both
8. are you irish - no
9. are you asian - yes

1. name – Shelvia Chalista
2. nicknames – Selvi, Selpi, Silpi, Silvi, chal
3. any birth marks - yes
4. hair color – to many color but actually black
5. natural hair color - black
6. eye color - black
7. height - 170 cm
8. mood - labile
9. favorite colour - blue, azure, black, white, grey, green, pink, emerald green, blue tosca
10. one place you want to visit - Around the world

love life
1. do you believe in love at first sight – yes
2. do you believe in soul mates - yes
3. have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yes
4. have you ever broke someone’s heart? - maybe
5. ever had your heart broken? - yes
6. have you ever liked someone but never told them? - yes
7. are you afraid of commitment? - no
8. who was the last person you hugged? - my mommy
9. who was the last person you said i love you to? engggg....

this or that
1. love or lust - love
2. cats or dogs – cats
3. a few best friends or many regular friends - a few best friends
4. television or internet - internet
5. chinese or indian - chinese (?)
6. wild night out or romantic night in – romantic night
7. money or happiness - money and happiness
8. night or day - both
9. msn or phone - phone
10. ipod or mp3 - ipod

1. been caught sneaking out – forgot
2. been skinny dipping - never
3. bungee jumped – never
4. finished an entire jaw breaker – never
5. lied to someone you liked – ever
6. wanted an ex bf/gf back – never
8. cried yourself to sleep - ever
9. cried because you lost a pet – never
10. wanted to disappear – ever

preference in partner
1. smile or eyes - smiling eyes ^_^
2. light or dark hair – dark
3. hugs or kisses - both
4. shorter or taller – taller
5. intelligence or attraction - both
6. romantic or spontaneous - both
7. funny or serious - both
8. older or younger - relative
9. outgoing or quiet - both maybe
10. sweet or bad ass - sweet

have you
1. ever performed in front of a large crowd - ever 
2. ever done drugs – never
3. ever consumed alcohol - never
4. ever been on a cheerleading team – never
5. ever been on a dance team - ever
6. ever been on a sports team - never
7. ever been in a drama play/production - ever
8. ever owned a bmw, mercedes benz, escalade, hummer or bentley - never (i wish)
9. ever been in a rap video? - never

1. last phone call you made - Uci
2. last person((?) you hung out with - Uci, Mia, Maun
3. last time you worked – uhmmmm
4. last person you tackled – dunno
5. last person(s) you went to the movies with - forgot
6. last thing you missed – uhmmmmm ^_^
7. last thing you ate - home cooking (y)

last person to ..
1. sleep beside you - My sister
2. see you cry – my parents
3. you went out to dinner with - My family
4. you talked on the phone to - forgot
5. made you laugh - People around me
6. hug and kiss you - my parents

would you rather 
1. pierce your nose or tongue - not both
2. be serious or be funny - both
3. drink whole or skim milk - both
4. spend time with your parents or enemies - with my parents

are you 
1. simple or complicated - simply complicated
2. retarded - Hahaha

do you prefer 
1. flowers or candy - both
2. gray or black - both
3. colour or black and white photos - both
4. sunrise or sunset - both
5. staying up late or waking up early - depend on

answer truthfully
1. do you like anyone - yes
2. do they know it - dunno

do you prefer 
1. sun or moon - both
2. winter or summer - both
3. left or right - both
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends - two best friends
5. sun or rain -  rain
6. vanilla or chocolate ice cream - i love chocolate mix with vanilla ice cream
7. coke or pepsi - not both

1. which shoe goes on first - i never know
2. ever thrown something at someone - yes
3. on average, how much money do you carry with you - depend on
4. what jewellery do you wear - just my earrings
5. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it - twirl
6. have you ever eaten spam - never
7. favorite ice cream - I love all of kind ice cream favor
8. how many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet - nothing
9. what’s your favorite beverage - kind of juice + milk + cappuccino
10. do you cook - yes

in the last month have you
1. had a relationship - no
2. bought something - yes
3. sang - yes
4. been hugged -yes
5. felt stupid - yes
6. missed someone - yes


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